One & Only Book Series of It’s Kind
Creative Thinking Skills Digital Download Lessons
Creativity is an essential skill and when developed at an early age, and has proven positive long term benefits. Historically, the main focus in education has been on hard skills in the core subject areas of English-Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies. Recent research on creativity has parents and educators thinking about this concept in a new light. I developed these lessons to compliment the Creative Kids Book Series and to use with my Gifted & Talented students as well as within my school-wide enrichment program. They work, they are easy to implement, and fun for the kids.
- Encourages children to think creatively and independently
- Increases self confidence in Kids
- Provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn and grow
- Suitable for both home and classroom use

One & Only Book Series of It’s Kind
Creative Thinking Skills Digital Download Lessons
Creativity is an essential skill and when developed at an early age, and has proven positive long term benefits. Historically, the main focus in education has been on hard skills in the core subject areas of English-Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies. Recent research on creativity has parents and educators thinking about this concept in a new light. I developed these lessons to compliment the Creative Kids Book Series and to use with my Gifted & Talented students as well as within my school-wide enrichment program. They work, they are easy to implement, and fun for the kids.
- Encourages children to think creatively and independently
- Increases self confidence in Kids
- Provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn and grow
- Suitable for both home and classroom use

Unlock your student’s creative potential with these lessons.
Our series of four books is designed to help children develop their creative thinking skills through fun and interactive activities.
With our books, your child will learn to think outside the box, come up with original and innovative ideas, and express themselves in new and exciting ways.
Unlock your student’s creative potential with these lessons.
What these lessons teach your kids:
Download and Begin using right away with your class!
Google slides can be downloaded and used within minutes.
Each bundle comes with pdf activity sheets to use with your students.
Perfect for lessons to use with gifted students or whole class enrichment.

Download and Begin using right away with your class!

Presentation gives the teacher a detailed explanation of each concept and lesson ideas.

Slides can also be used for direct instruction with students to teach creative thinking.
EBooks In This Series:

Creative Fluency
- Fluency is the first step to critical thinking.
- Fluent thinking is the gateway component to creative thinking.
- Fluent thinkers demonstrate divergent thinking by the ability to generate multiple answers or solutions to a problem.

Creative Flexibility
- Rigid thinking is problematic, therefore flexibility is important because it helps people not only to get along with others, but assists people to solve problems in a new way.
- Flexibility is important because it helps us to understand more than one perspective on an issue.
- Flexibility is important because it helps us to interpret data in many different ways.

Creative Elaboration
- Elaboration takes an inspiring or original idea and completes it.
- Elaboration is the process of creating additional layers of meaning.
- Elaboration helps create mental cues for later recall and application.
YOU PAY ONLY: $10.49
* Valid for orders placed today
What Parents & Teachers Say
A Note From The Author

Nicole Goldsmith
A New Jersey Public School teacher with over two decades of experience working with gifted and talented Students.
"As the author of this book series, as well as having used these ideas as a Gifted & Talented teacher in the classroom setting, I am certain that these fun and entertaining picture books are unlike any others out there. When children are exposed to the lessons and ideas in this series, their academic achievement will be enhanced due to the development of their critical thinking skills. Not only will you see an increase in creative thinking, but also a newfound confidence in self expression. I have learned that repetition and explicit teaching of these skills is necessary to master these qualities, so I encourage teachers and parents to use these books as a resource on a consistent basis."
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As your child enters kindergarten, we know that you probably have a lot of questions. We want to make sure that you and your child feel at home here at Creative Kids Lab, so we have come up with a list of the most frequently asked questions.
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